Company name  : Liez Frederic

Company SIRET: 98439175500019

Founder : Liez Frederic

Address  : 24 RUE Jacques Ourtal 11000 Carcassonne FRANCE

Email address  :

Phone number : +33756814748

Publication director  : Liez Frederic

VAT Number : FR92984391755

Host  : Hostinger International Ltd

Intellectual property  : All elements of the site  are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of . No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, redistribute or use for any reason whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site, whether software, visual or sound.

Personal data  : The personal data collected on the site  are intended for the exclusive use of . They will under no circumstances be transmitted to third parties.

Cookies  :  uses cookies to improve the user experience. By browsing the site, the user accepts their use.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction  : This legal notice is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.
